Saturday, August 2, 2014

Condemned 1


            It’s a wonder how much of childhood a person forgets after only a year of leaving their home. I keep trying, but nothing will come to me. Every now and then I would catch a glimpse of a shining, radiating woman, but just as quick as the image came, it was gone. Now, I wade around in the ocean of intangible memories that slip out of my fingers like melting snowflakes, looking for something, anything that would give me some kind of memory from my home. I would open my eyes to find myself still in the same, tortuous reality.
            That was usually all I’d feel when I went on one of my memory walks, but not this time. This time, behind my closed eyelids, I saw the flickering radiance of the shining woman again. She wore a dazzling, white dress that flowed all around her. It was like she was made completely out of clouds rotating around the source of all life, the radiating, warming, caring sun.  I realized that the reason I could make her out so well was because I was staring up at her face, my tiny body smothered in her bosom.
            I couldn't see the woman’s face from behind the curtain of radiance, so I reached a tiny hand up to touch her, to make sure that this woman was a tangible being.  I needed to reach her, but my arms couldn't stretch any longer. I was sad and ready to cry, but suddenly, a chilling sensation raced through me, and I froze, dropping my arm.
            Staring straight at me was a pair of monstrous, red blazing eyes that cut right through the curtain of sunshine. The eyes tormented me and provoked me to burst out in a wail, but the eyes were engulfed in a blazing fire, and I quickly subsided my crying. Those red pupils were all that I could see now. The flowing dress and radiating sun was no more, and I was no longer in the soft embrace of a gentle woman but instead a monster. Those eyes stung my brain and pushed me away from the memory, making me snap open my eyes and roll over on my back with a pained groan.
            I sat up on my bed and reached over to my nightstand and fished out a journal that I kept under my indecent magazines. Quickly, before I could forget another drop of information, I flipped to the fifteenth page and began yet another entry in my journal for my recent memory. This was yet another moment when I would be able to recollect a vague memory just enough to be able to remember everything up to the point when the eyes would begin to take over my thought process and force me out of my own mind.
            That’s how all of my entries ended, and every single time I’d curse and punch the wall for being blocked from another glimpse at my past. I was beginning to think that the eyes were no coincidence, though. Even after fifteen entries, all I would be left with were random pieces of a puzzle that didn’t match in any way possible. The only trend that I could spot in my useless memories was the shining woman. She would be always be there at the end of every memory, and every single time those piercing red eyes would shoot through my brain and interrupt my thoughts by bringing on a massive headache. This was the first entry, I noticed, that the shining woman has been featured throughout it.
            I jumped to the edge of my bed and tensed when a knock suddenly sounded from my door 

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